Producers and Retailers


Under the Resource Sustainability Act (RSA) and as part of the Extended Producer Responsibility approach (EPR), producers of regulated electrical and electronic products will be made responsible for the collection and
proper treatment of their E-Waste.

Definition of “Producer”:
Pursuant to section 7(2) of the RSA, a person is the producer of a regulated product if the person:
a) Carries on a business of supplying regulated products in Singapore;
b) and in furtherance of that business
I. Imports the regulated product into Singapore;
ii. Manufactures the regulated product in Singapore; or
iii. Engages another person to manufacture regulated product in Singapore or otherwise causes such manufacture

Definition of ‘Supply’:
Pursuant to section 7(1) of the RSA, ‘supply’, in relation to any regulated product, includes:
a) the supply of the regulated product by way of sale (including by barter or exchange) or hire purchase;
b) the supply of the regulated product by retail or by wholesale;
c) the supply of the regulated product in connection with any agreement; and
d) the offer to supply the regulated product or exposure of the regulated product for supply.

Retailers of regulated consumer products are also expected to take part. Certain exemptions are made under the RSA, read on to find out more.

Producers and Covered Products

Producers are companies that manufacture or import regulated products for supply on the local market. All regulated E-Waste will have to be channeled to licensed E-Waste recyclers for proper treatment.

The five product classes regulated are as below:

(a) Solar photovoltaic panels;
(b) Information and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment;
(c) Large appliances;
(d) Batteries;
(e) Lamps;

Download Producer Guidelines Here

Raw materials will then be extracted from the regulated E-Waste and funnelled back into production, hence becoming an important source of valuable resources.

In doing so, producers would be able to enhance their role in the circular economy while contributing to a lowering of environmental impact as carbon emissions are reduced to lesser E-Waste being incinerated.

By ensuring proper recycling, we can also make sure E-Waste is not exported to countries with substandard recycling infrastructure where E-Waste is handled by the informal sector who has to work in haphazard conditions that pose health risks and may environmental pollution. The legislation, therefore, helps to facilitate a sustainable mode of production in a world of depleting resources.

NEA will be exempting small producers and retailers that supply less than a specified threshold amount of regulated products to the local market from the PRS. Similarly, retailers with a floor area of less than 300m2 will be exempted from setting up in-store collection points. Do note that for regulated non-consumer E-Waste, no exemptions will be made.

For more information, please refer to Annex B here

Source: NEA

Retailers Requirements

All retailers of regulated consumer products will be required to provide free one-for-one take-back services during delivery.

Large retailers with floor area of 300m2 and above will be required to set up in-store E-Waste collection points for ICT equipment, lamps and batteries, and ensure that the E-Waste is collected by the licensed PRS operator, in this case, ALBA E-Waste.

Download Retailer Important Information Here
Download Retailer Take-back Guidelines Here

For more information or to set up a discussion, you may contact us at

Source: NEA